With five strokes of your keyboard you can help change the future of our planet. Please include ‘Ocean’ in your next presentation. Yes, just that would be a great start. Now read on.

We're all Ocean dependent

We belong to the Ocean

The Ocean is our life-support system

Yet we plunder it, we pollute it and we overheat it; we abuse it

And at many summits, at plenty of corporate strategic gatherings or in the daily news, the Ocean remains massively absent, unheard and unseen; it’s ignored. You can change that and make an impact like never before.

global agenda ocean stance the ocean
presentation about the ocean - ocean stance
Motivational speaker Take a stance on the ocean

Now imagine the impact, and the real difference it will make, when a few million people like YOU will have had spoken out for the Ocean and highlighted its crucial importance in their latest discussion or powerpoint. Won’t that be something?

Take a stance.
On the Ocean.
Do it now!

Make an Oceanstance: Our Health Depends on the Health of the Ocean

Watch this video to preview the PowerPoint you can download, edit and integrate into your own presentation to inspire others about the ocean’s role in our lives. 

To support you in making your point about the Ocean in your next discussion or presentation, we have included the video shown above as a 12 page ppt. Edit and add to it as you wish or just use it to inspire you. Download below.

Yes, I'll do it!

Everything you present about the Ocean’s importance and current state is valuable in the mission to increase its awareness. Add your name below to confirm you’ll do it and we can keep you posted on progress.

Action form : Yes

The world applauds those making a measurable difference for the Ocean. To be included on this site just send us your logo and link to your project or proof.

The organisations below have already taken a stance on the Ocean and are helping to accelerate this initiative